Sat 04 Jan
Hot * Big * Booty *Beauty * Doing * OC* Specials * Top * Specials :) 2 girls available - 21
(Sea Tac, Seattle, Kent, Renton, Tacoma, Bellevue,)
*~Up All Night~*CoMe TrY SomeThing ToNight...100% ME;) - 18
(City of San Diego, ChulA VIsTA/Incalls OnlY)
❤ HOTTIE TOTTIE! ❤ Ebony Latina ❤ Tiffany Amour - 26
~°°suNdaY SpeCiaLs $60$~°° cOme Try SomEthinG nEw &BetteR;!!!! incalls (315) 373 9928 - 20
(Syracuse, downtown area)
welcome to the team where everything vanish in my mouth & not in your hand - 21
(Syracuse, Downtown)
Short _______ ~N~______ Stacked ___________ ((Video Vixen Dimensions)) ________ - 23
(INCALL near Mission Valley / OUTCALL)
**** New Pics ****( Me Or It's Free ) Dominican Beauty (Tattoos Don't Lie) - 23
(Scranton, Pittston -- Scranton -- Wilkes Barre)
◇◆◇◆ Tasty TINA VanHORN Site Available ♂♀ 8.5 cut Stiffy Lets Party ! All Real Just for You! ◇◆◇◆ - 20
(Scranton, Scranton /WB ! First timers most welcome)
Looking for high scale upscale mature men who wanna have some Fun - 25
(Scranton, Scranton & Surrounding Areas)
Big (_Y_) Visiting florida girl!! Dream of STAJHA the Golden leggy TS. Real pics 100% - 20
(Louisville, Downtown-outcall)
IM HER‼️📍🌹🏆Newest 💦Tightest 👸🏾companion in the game😍Quality over quantity✨New Booty with a booty🍑 - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley, San Diego, San Diego)
☆ L€T *M€ ☆* M@k€ *¥0uR ✖ T€mP€r@TuR€ *R¡§€ ☆ DoMiNiCaN MAM! ✖ - 21
(Incalls IN 👉🏿 Hinesville 👈🏾 24/7 🗣 NO QV, Savannah)
💘 DOMINICAN MODEL! Great Reviews! BeST BodY n The BuiSSnESs!! JAWdROPPiNG New PICS!💘 - 20
(Louisville, YOUR PLACE)
♥ BLaZiNg HoT 《jUiCy gRiPpInG & dripping》♥《 LaTiNa MaMaCiTa 》♥ - 24
(Louisville, POPLAR LEVEL 7172719407)
Best 60$ special ull find in town don't miss out. - 21
(North SD County, Escondido, San Marcos, vista, Oceanside.)
100% Real & Reviewed ♠♥♣♦ Sexy Dominican Babe! ♥ █▒█ ♥ δεnsual 👠💄👠 Reliable 💛 PERFECT🔟 - 20
(Louisville, YOUR PLACE)
(Mission Valley)
100$ 案NeW MiXed Asian Beauty 案 JaPanese & DoMinican 案 100$ Specials!!! - 18
(North SD County, Oceanside)
24 HRS! °❀°_ DOMiNiCANA y FiLiPinA mami __°❀° :) satisfaction guranteed 24 HRS! - 20
Dominican Princess♥♥ Better Than Her ⬆️And Her ⬇️ Ready To Treat You Like A King★★ - 23
❤️💋💕 OMG Becky look @her butt ❤️💋💕 Big Booty Dominican/Ebony ❤️💋💕 Up All Night - 32
(Westside, LAX / 4O5 Century /exit)
♥❌⭕❌⭕♥ DOMINICAN ♥ ❌⭕❌ 💋HUGE BUTT$♥ SEXY♥ DIAMOND ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ SEXY* ♥$80 SPECIALS♥ - 21
(Palm Springs, 29 palms, Joshua tree, yucca valley's)
🌷⚘Sexy Dominican Ready to Play Santa Clara🌺🍒 - 29
(El Camino Real and Lawrence Expressway, San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara)
((STOP CLICK HERE!!!))::. SEXY.:: THICK::. Samoan / Dominican $60 incall Special waiting For YOU!! - 21
(Los Angeles, Anywhere you need me)
😎😚untill 2am 💋 80$👍FRIDAY FUN💄100$🔥🔥 Big booty 💋Busty Big Booty 💕 $100 Pretty Face $80 - 27
(San Antonio, In Call / 0ut call)
Brazilian😘princesses👑 NEW💦 IN😜 TOWN😋 2 Girl Special 👅👑 - 18
(Gardena, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Norwalk, Torrance)
.:*¨¨* MAIN ATTRACTION *¨¨*:. $60Special .:*¨¨* MAIN ATTRACTION *¨¨*:. $80Special - 18
(San Antonio, I-10 & Vance Jackson)
♥ SEXY ,PETITE, DOMINICAN ♥ [ P ] [ L ] [ a ] [ Y ] [ M ] [ a ] [T ] [ e ] - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, fremont, newark)
👑🎀Rare 🍬 EXQUISITE 🍬 Dominican 🍬 Caramel 🍬 TEMPTRESS 💋 Natural killer Curves❗ SeXy ClAsSy❗🍒 - 28
(City of San Jose, Milpitas, San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz Incall AndOutcalls)
Gorgeous Mixed Busty HUNG Ts Playmate...HARD And Ready... Come Scream For My Cream - 23
♥ ------- ♥ petite ♥ ------ ♥ bubblebutt ♥ -------- ♥ sophia ♥ ------- ♥ Specials ♥ ------- ♥ - 19
(Milpitas, Milpitas incall only)
№➊ top tS ReQUESTED ✰ Everybody is not a Fake come see ✰ =36DD CoMPLETE 9' kynky ts - 21
(Los Angeles, beberly hills)
* New Arrival * Dominican Playmate [ Petite ] [ suck@ble Breast ] 100% Real or Its Free 80 Special - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara|Mission College)
SpeciaL SeX Ts4MeN AvAiLaBLe ReaDy NoW ToP & BoTToM CoMe TruE 9''F.F. HoT..Here One more Day Guys.. - 26
☑ REAL! ☑ FreAkY n' KInKyToO SaTiSfY AnY ApPeTiTe PaRTy MoNsTer SHEMALE 9.5 FF - 24
(Los Angeles, Mid Wilshire/Hollywood)
,**.¸*.¸*.¸ ExOtiC ☆ ====× DoMiniCaN PrInCeSs ×==== ☆ $1OO sPeCiaL ¸.*¸.*¸.**. - 20
(San Jose / South Bay, Incalls & Outcalls)
🆕🆕🆕 Dominican ➡➡Hottie Hablo Espanol, 60 Special, 60 Special Today Only off Tully rd - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, off Tully rd San jose)
DoMinIcan MiXed Babe (((( Gilroy (Morgan Hill ) Everywhere else ...... I have Arrived Must See - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, Gilroy//Morgan HiLl)
Exotic hot gorgeous ts READY 4 Action !! Dominican and INDIAN !! (versatile) party friendly!! - 21
(Los Angeles, LAX (prairie) off 105 fwy)
*~* Sensational Massage with Exotic Beauty*** - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose Surrounding area (out))
BLONDE __ OuTCaLL _________ #1 ___ OuTCaLL AVAILABLE NoW_______#1 __ ___ OuTCaLL _ BLONDE - 23
【 11inch POWER-DRILL 】◄▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬【 DOMINANT MISSES 】▬▬▬▬ ▬▬ 【 Don't be tardy 4 the PARTY】▬▬▬► - 26
(HOLLYWOOD,LA, Los Angeles)
Sexy LATINAS caliente ladies 100% pure pleasure & satisfaction guarantee! Dominican & Cuban GIRLS - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, 11733 Valley Blvd #B El Monte,6264488606)
★ UPSCALE ★ ▬▬▬▬ ★▬▬▬▬ ★ ONE OF A KiND★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ BOMBSHELL ★ - 22
(Sacramento, Sacramento, Davis, Woodland, Vacaville)
♥️😍 Kinky, Open-Minded Dominican Princess Perfect 4 Upscale Gentlemen 😍♥️ - 23
(City of Sacramento, Sac-Roseville-Elk Grove-Rancho-Folsom, Sacramento)
H Spls-- NEW VIDEO💎 Nativee|Dominican Mix Breed 👀 Very Tight 🖤➕👣In 🙂Outs 🚘 ➖➖➖➖➖➖ Sexy 95lbs🏴 - 19
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, W El Camino Surrounding areas SACTO)
Big B00ty Small Waist Sexy & Freaky DOMINICAN EBONY MIX ****With Some Big Titties 60/80/150™ - 22
(San Gabriel Valley, Pasdena/Acardia/Monrovia/Durate/Incalls)
Big Bo0ty lil waiSte Super Sexxy & DOMINICAN EBONY MIX ****Big Titties 60/80/150 Incall - - 22
(San Gabriel Valley, Pasdena/Acardia/Monrovia/Durate/Incall)
petite model shape || BUBBLEBUTT || exotic Dominican and Japanese!!! - 19
(Sacramento, sacramento in/out)
💕❥ Busty Dominican Mixed 💕 ▒ $6O Incall Special⇠❥* - 25
(Long Beach, 110FWY/ Southbay ( Incall only! ))
*Out/In Spankable Booty 🌠DominicanBabe😍 ☝Finger L!cking👅💦 Dream👯 - 19
(Sacramento, sacramento Outcalls)
60$hh💙🎀💎💦💘€X0TᎥC & NAUGHT¥ 💙🎀💎💦💘DΘmᎥnᎥcan HΘttᎥ€•KᎥll€R BΘD¥ 💙🎀💎💦💘FᎥᏉ€ STAR S€RVᎥC€💘💙🎀💎💦60$hh - 21
(Long Beach, Pioneer💋Artesia💋Cerritos💋91fwy)
$5O Specials With Dominican && Black Beauty Come Bring The Holiday In Rite - 21
(Anaheim && Surrounding Areas/Incall)
Last day!!!💋100% Authentic Dominican Beauty...Your Seduction is my Desire.❤️💋❤️ - 24
(Exeter road, London)
👑Miss Lacee>> Tempting,FUN,Petite &Curvy; 🍑👄 2267005709💦 FullBody Erotic Massage🍌🍦 WELL REVIEWED⭐️ - 22
(London, West 💋)
Exotic Ebony beauty coming to town. SMALLER BBW *(438) 793-7007 - 21
(Chatham-Kent, IN CALLS & OUT CALLS st. Thomas, London)
$$100 SPECIAL💗🍭🆕🆕🆕 UPSCALE SERVICE young beautiful dominicana 🆕🆕🆕707-348-2086🍭💗CALL NOW. - 20
(Sacramento, rancho cordova. folsom. sunrise.)
Report Ad•✿• :SUPER-HOT: •✿• :BUSTY : •✿• :BRUNETTE: •✿• H✿✿TTIE: •✿ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Woodlandhills San Fernando Studio Outcal)
💋💋💋 DOMINICAN BEAUTY with a BIG BOOTIE available now ❕❕ 585-642-9817💋💋💋 - 19
(Monroe avenue 💋💋💋, Rochester)
Morning Qk Sp 👅👅👅 last day here💋💋 Don't miss Out🌟 - 24
(Orange County, Santa Ana, Santa Ana In & out calls)
Lovely Lorri In Town Available Now!! Holiday Specials Available Now!!! - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita , Valencia , Sylmar)
M🌸E🌸L🌸Z 🌸 OUTCALL Only Specials!! EXOTIC 💦👅 Incredible SeXy DoMiNicAn🌸👅💦 - 22
(Reseda/vannuys/SF/burbank/Canoga, San Fernando Valley)
Lovely Lorri In Town !! $80 Specials Available Now!!! - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita , Valencia)